how did that get in there?
From this........ (life is good)
Hi Everyone,
Well we have finally come up for air, It has been a busy month. We entered the MTC on January 4th after a hold up with our Visa's. In two weeks we had a full training in Proselyting, Medical training, tropical medicine, and six lessons in speaking Samoan. 14 hours a day including 2 hours homework each evening when we got back to our room. We haven't done homework in a lot of years! We met a lot of wonderful people and gained weight from over eating. because they had run out of rooms at the M.T.C. we stayed at a local Super 8 motel and got our exercise in by walking the 20 minutes between the two each day The mountains in Provo were beautiful all covered in snow.
We finally left Provo January 19th driving to Salt Lake then flying to Samoa via Los Angeles arriving in Samoa at 5-00 am on the 20th some 18 hours later less the 5 time changes we passed through on the way We got off the plane and the heat hit us straight away, it was like walking into stream room The Samoan band was there to welcome us together with the mission President and his wife followed by two assistants (AP's) We arrived at our house (new home) in time for breakfast with our neighbors who were awaiting us, then a get acquainted session for an hour and then to the Med office to see a patient who required attention. Then a quick nap as catch-up During the afternoon we checked out the office to be oriented with what was where etc. That evening we had dinner with Mission President Haleck and his wife. Next morning we up and walking at 5-30 am before it became too hot and have kept that up all week. We are staying in Pesaga pronounced (Pesanga) just out side Apia the capital city, where we have the Temple, Family History Centre, Distribution Centre, Mission Office, a Church School with big playing fields and other admin buildings. The grounds are beautiful with lots of palm trees and tropical plants We have met a lot of very friendly people both senior Missionaries and locals.
We went to the Temple on Thursday evening and out to dinner on Friday evening On Saturday Pat went off with 50 other priesthood holders to build a house for someone who had lost theirs in the recent tsunami, started off at 4-00 in the morning and got back at 5 pm built all except the outside loo (washroom) because we ran out of sand for the mortar, a busy and very hot day but very satisfying. Can't wait for the next project. We have found an English speaking ward nearby to visit on Sundays We are still not fluent in Samoan yet so having someone speaking the same language helps. We are off to American Samoa on Tuesday for a couple of days, to visit with the Missionaries there to give a lesson on healthy living and how to treat a lot of the local maladies and emergency procedures in case of Cyclones, which we have just learned are Hurricanes down here in the southern hemisphere and they spin anti-clockwise opposite to the ones that tour up the American coastline in Hurricane season. Next weekend we have Elder Cook of the Quorum of the twelve and the Presiding Bishopric visiting us from Utah.
Well that's enough to start with, as you can see we are busy and enjoying ourselves immensely. We send our love to everyone. If you know of someone who in not on the list of recipients or the internet please send the info on maybe put it on Facebook if that is possible. Take good care of yourselves will write again when we have time.
Lots of love
Pat and Barb xxxxxxxxxx
From this........ (life is good)
Hi Everyone,
Well we have finally come up for air, It has been a busy month. We entered the MTC on January 4th after a hold up with our Visa's. In two weeks we had a full training in Proselyting, Medical training, tropical medicine, and six lessons in speaking Samoan. 14 hours a day including 2 hours homework each evening when we got back to our room. We haven't done homework in a lot of years! We met a lot of wonderful people and gained weight from over eating. because they had run out of rooms at the M.T.C. we stayed at a local Super 8 motel and got our exercise in by walking the 20 minutes between the two each day The mountains in Provo were beautiful all covered in snow.
We finally left Provo January 19th driving to Salt Lake then flying to Samoa via Los Angeles arriving in Samoa at 5-00 am on the 20th some 18 hours later less the 5 time changes we passed through on the way We got off the plane and the heat hit us straight away, it was like walking into stream room The Samoan band was there to welcome us together with the mission President and his wife followed by two assistants (AP's) We arrived at our house (new home) in time for breakfast with our neighbors who were awaiting us, then a get acquainted session for an hour and then to the Med office to see a patient who required attention. Then a quick nap as catch-up During the afternoon we checked out the office to be oriented with what was where etc. That evening we had dinner with Mission President Haleck and his wife. Next morning we up and walking at 5-30 am before it became too hot and have kept that up all week. We are staying in Pesaga pronounced (Pesanga) just out side Apia the capital city, where we have the Temple, Family History Centre, Distribution Centre, Mission Office, a Church School with big playing fields and other admin buildings. The grounds are beautiful with lots of palm trees and tropical plants We have met a lot of very friendly people both senior Missionaries and locals.
We went to the Temple on Thursday evening and out to dinner on Friday evening On Saturday Pat went off with 50 other priesthood holders to build a house for someone who had lost theirs in the recent tsunami, started off at 4-00 in the morning and got back at 5 pm built all except the outside loo (washroom) because we ran out of sand for the mortar, a busy and very hot day but very satisfying. Can't wait for the next project. We have found an English speaking ward nearby to visit on Sundays We are still not fluent in Samoan yet so having someone speaking the same language helps. We are off to American Samoa on Tuesday for a couple of days, to visit with the Missionaries there to give a lesson on healthy living and how to treat a lot of the local maladies and emergency procedures in case of Cyclones, which we have just learned are Hurricanes down here in the southern hemisphere and they spin anti-clockwise opposite to the ones that tour up the American coastline in Hurricane season. Next weekend we have Elder Cook of the Quorum of the twelve and the Presiding Bishopric visiting us from Utah.
Well that's enough to start with, as you can see we are busy and enjoying ourselves immensely. We send our love to everyone. If you know of someone who in not on the list of recipients or the internet please send the info on maybe put it on Facebook if that is possible. Take good care of yourselves will write again when we have time.
Lots of love
Pat and Barb xxxxxxxxxx
Oh, this is so exciting. I love reading all about your adventures. It is so wonderful to know that you are there. I am in awe of your learning Samoan. I told Allan I want to learn Spanish so we can be of more value when we go on our mission.
Please know that you will be in our prayers. We love you and are looking forward to more updates. (We have been to Apia once--back in 1986)
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